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Many women will say:
“I want to lose 10, 20 or 30 pounds and then…
I’ll be happier
Or healthier
Or more confident
Or more loved
Or life will just be better…
And yes, this is very often true.
When you arrive at your weight loss goal it can feel amazing. Your clothes fit really well and you have a new level of confidence and a spring in your step.
But something important to remember is that you don’t fall asleep one nigh 29 pounds lighter and wake up 30 pounds lighter and say
“Hooray! Now I can be that person I wanted to be”
Setting a goal, be it in weight loss, fitness, professionally or personally is never about achieving the goal.
It’s about the person that you become as you change the behaviours you need to change to achieve that goal.
To lose weight you might need to change the way you are eating.
You might need to change the way you are exercising.
You’ll need to start to think differently.
You might have to become the person who is dancing on the tables in the early hours of Saturday morning to
the person who has one drink, some great conversations and call it an early night because you have to get up for your gym session the next day.
You might have to be the person who sets a higher standard for yourself and asks if you can eat at a different restaurant so you can make some healthier choices.
Now this doesn’t mean you have to stop doing everything that you enjoy, but you might have to do some of the things you think you enjoy a little less.
You probably want to be asking yourself:
“If I was the person I think I want to be, what would I do?”
How do I spend my weekends?
What books do I read?
Who do I hang out with?
What restaurants do I go to?
Where do I go on holiday?
Am I the lady you will find at the office vending machine at 3pm and later falling asleep at her desk at 4pm?
Or, are you the lady who is fuelled up on good food, smashing through her work so she can leave the office on time?
You see, weight loss has nothing to do with the numbers on the scale. It’s about the person you want to become.
This is the epitome of yo-yo dieting.
Quick fixes just test your will power, they don’t shape you as an individual.
If you want to lose weight so you can have energy, be more confident and feel happier and more loved, then now is the time to embrace these things.
Don’t wait until you reach your goal to have these things in your life. Celebrate every bit of growth every bit of the way because your life is an amazing thing that needs to be celebrated!
If you eat a cup cake or have a binge mishap, tomorrow you will still have your new identity and all the foundations you have laid. The cake will just be a last minute change in the plot along the way from which you can learn and grow.
The best way to create this identity shift is to find someone who has achieved what you want to achieve, who has what you want and model them.
This essentially means copying.
What do they do?
How do they act?
What books are they reading?
How are they training?
How do THEY spend their weekends?
I do believe that each person is an individual but this is a good place to start and mentoring is an excellent way to achieve results if you want to do it sooner rather than later.
It’s going to take time to make these changes. Sensible and Sustainable change is not a quick fix.
For this reason, as of May we have changed the game in the Ladies that Lift Women’s Weight Loss Coaching
We used to offer 3, 6 and 12 month memberships.
Not more.
The minimum commitment for anyone who wants to work with myself and my team is 6 months.
We’ve noticed that for many of our clients, after 3 months, we were only scratching the surface of their potential. Not to mention to fact we see them tripping over their own feet and self-sabotaging because they feel the need to rush the process.
It’s taken you how many years to get to this point?
At least give yourself a little time to work through making some changes.
We honestly believe a MINIMUM of 6 months is required to create a long lasting transformation of health and happiness (not to mention weight loss).
If we come back to this idea of identity; what are the women who “have their sh*t together” doing?
It’s not the latest quick fix or 21 day sugar detox.
It’s getting their heads in the right place and being willing to change from the inside out to get a long lasting result and grow as an individual along the way.