Almost a year ago to the day, I wrote this.
When I read it back, it all holds true and you should read this as you think about what 2017 will bring…
Running an online business marketed almost exclusively via social media you have to portray an image of what your target audience wants to be.
I have prided myself also on being authentic. You will not see me completely shredded, showing my abs and glute gainz, wearing next to nothing on Instagram. If this is the look you are after, well then I am probably not for you.
I still have my wobbly bits and cellulite that quite honestly is never going to go anywhere. If I bend over or sit down there will still be some (small) fat rolls that appear.
These are the things that I can’t change (or at least I am not prepared to change due to the massive social sacrifice for minimal contribution to my happiness).
But there are things about me that are not perfect that I CAN change.
Things that would add to my life, not subtract from it, if I did.
I consider myself to be a balanced person. I think I have my sh*t together (well… at least most of the time).
I eat well, I exercise regularly, I practise yoga, I get enough sleep and I (mostly) manage to think about stressful situations in a rational way.
But I also…
Spend too much time sitting at a desk
Indulge too much on social media
I travel a lot (what has recently felt like too much) but don’t take enough holiday
I work almost every day (even if it’s just a little bit, its never a “day off”)
Although I get enough sleep, it isn’t good enough when you are “switched on” in every waking minute
I forget to moisturise because I am rushing to check my emails. My skin is always dry!
My legs always seem to be 2 weeks (or 4!) overdue a wax (not to mention my bikini line!)
I don’t chew my food properly (this is one of my character flaws I dislike the most but can’t seem to crack)
I eat at my desk
I don’t take breaks (even when my productivity declines and I am not achieving anything!)
The nail polish on my toes always seems to be in need of a touch up
I always book to go to the hairdresser when it is way overdue
I haven’t been to the dentist in almost 3 years! (Edit – I have in fact been to the dentist three times this year! A habit which I finally cracked thanks to my hygienist, who is awesome, who came me some straight talking tough love about my inflamed gums – “You have great teeth Miss Marsh but your gums are not good!”.
I check my phone too much (sometimes at the expense of being present with those people who are most important in my life)
So, although I look after myself in terms of eat, sleep and exercise, which are excellent foundations, there are some MASSIVE gaps in terms of my self care regime.
Perhaps YOU are not even as far as the eat, sleep and exercise part.
Perhaps you are thinking about a New Years Resolution…
Perhaps you are thinking that this year you are going to diet and exercise and lose weight?
How about we think about this a little differently?
Bear with me for a second…
Ask yourself:
Is going on ANOTHER diet and depleting your body of energy and good food self care?
Is beating yourself up in the gym every day and then burning yourself out after two weeks because you actually needed a hot bath and a good night’s sleep self care?
Instead of putting your New Year’s Resolution in the “weight loss box” this year, what would happen if we put it in the “self care box”?
Could it be possible that in the first place, your eating problems could be coming from a lack of self worth, self confidence and self care?
Why not choose this year to nourish your body with good food?
Good food that in the right amount that gives your body what it needs to thrive but not hold onto excess weight?
Why not choose to breathe deep into your lungs, go outside, get some fresh air, get your blood pumping into the nooks and crannies of your body that it hasn’t been to in a long time!
Move your body in a way that builds strength, tone and a confident posture and doesn’t leave you broken and dreading the next session, but rather get’s you excited about tomorrow.
Why not choose to put sleep first?
To cut out the people who bring you down and embrace those that make your laugh and feel awesome!
To take a bath, catch up with all your medical appointments, paint your toenails and treat yourself to a trip to the hair dresser or maybe a massage or acupuncture session for all the work you’ve done in the gym.
To chew your food properly and pop your mobile away and be present with the people you love?
So instead of choosing “I want to lose weight” as your New Year Resolution, why not choose to love yourself, to look after yourself and to listen to your body and put it’s needs first?
If you want some help with this, I’ve got your back with all of it and much much more in The Sustainable Slim Down.
The Sustainable Slim down is my online weight loss course that I created to help women form sustainable habits, one step at a time, to create healthy weight loss and an improved understanding of what it actually means to eat a balanced diet.
It is a database of the exact tools my high end coaching clients are using to drop pounds and inches (without restrictive or obsessive behaviour) and cultivate self love.
>>> More information via this link <<<
Wishing you an amazing 2017 filled with health, happiness and tonnes and tonnes of love!
You are enough, a 1000 times enough!