
Josie Front

Today is my last day here!!! I am really really going to miss this group. I joined up for 6 months and it will be odd not checking in on what is going on and having your support. When I started I wrote down 5 goals which were (in order of importance):

To look more atheletic

Have a more positive attitude through feeling healthier

Increase energy through having better functional health

Invest in new clothes for a new body

Reach 70Kg in Dec 1st!

I was 84kg when I started and now I am 75kg. But I am happy with that as everything else has changed with my body and mind.

When I started I couldn’t possibly imagine that I could work out 4 times a week with 2 young kids.

I had put on so much weight with each pregnancy, I felt awful.

I was still wearing my pregnancy clothes a year after giving birth and I thought the first thing that anyone would ever think when meeting me was “fatty”.

I had zero time for me and put myself last out of everyone. I was going to the doctor with stomach issues which I now know was because I wasn’t eating the way my body needs to be fed.

In October I went a bought myself some new clothes and now I am fitting into clothes that had been stored in boxes for the last 4 years.

For me my biggest achievement is feeling athletic. I love being in my gym stuff. I love my thighs. I love feeling strong.

Most importantly I managed to carve out some time for myself to exercise.

I came home from a long walk the other day and my husband said “you are always so happy when you’ve had some exercise” and I was. Everything felt good.

I feel so much more confident – I never worry about what people think about my shape and size because I know I am trying my best and I’m happy with what I see in the mirror – for once in my life!

Anyway I could blether on for ages. I’ve been telling everyone about LTL and I hope some people join up so I can come back haha!

Thank you. xxx

Josie Back

Download The 5-Step Fat Loss Formula
I’ve created this short ebook to help you get back to basics and start shedding those extra pounds the simple way.
  • Understand my simple nutrition formula so you can enjoy a flexible way of eating and a little chocolate and red wine!
  • Learn how to love your body, no longer fear food and lose weight without restriction, guilt or obsession.
  • Learn exactly what to do with your training so you can develop sexy muscle tone, lean legs and a flat tummy
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